classified ads, web
sites, web site evaluations, advertising, and free stuff. |
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This page was designed
as an example page
which we placed on the free web site company page that we
our main site. To get
right back to the free website evaluation main page [Click
Here] For the benefit of those visitors that visit this example page, we've included a general purpose
editorial "Write
the ad copy you need to get the responses you deserve". Skip the
editorial if
you like, however don't miss the very important information in the
down below!
Write the ad copy you
need to get the responses you deserve. |
Courtesy: Scott
Ohnmeiss |

Copyright ©
2001 The Power Team. All
rights reserved |
placing your classified ad, whether free or paid for is probably the easiest part of
classified advertising, however in most cases
there's far more to placing ads then what meets the eyes. We hope to
cover the many facets of classified advertising so you get the most impact
and the best results from your classified ad placements. The bottom
line here is to save you time, (and money in some cases) and also increase your overall
classified ad response rates. |
So there
you are, you have a product or service and you want to tell the world all
about. You're primed, your business bank account is open and ready
to accept deposits, and you're ready for all those orders to start rolling
in. Before you decide which advertising medium you want to use such
as; TV, radio, Internet, fax blasting, billboards, display ads, news
releases etc... you must be able to create a compelling enough ad which
will make your prospective buyers fight their way to your door to get what
you have to offer (because this section is about classified advertising
hints and tips, we'll restrict our discussion to this type of advertising
medium). |
And just
how do you do that? By ensuring you create powerful enough ad copy which convinces
your audience that they need what you have to sell. Note I said "need",
and not "want". A large portion of the requests for
information, or purchases are based on the need that you create through
your motivating classified ad copy. Think of all
those things you may have purchased in the past that you no longer use, or
possibly you wonder as I do why they were even purchased in the first place.
So the first step is understanding classified
advertising is to know that people make purchases because you have
something that they perceive will fill a need of theirs. Yes, there
are ads where a washing machine for instance is for sale, and the
purchaser needs a washer, so they buy it, fairly simple transaction,
however what we're going to get into is much deeper then that. |
A great classified ad will only be
effective in creating action or sales for you when it contains as a very minimum:
an eye grabbing title, positive key words,
clearly defined benefits, a personalized focus, and a call for action.
Each of these alone are a good start in any classified advertisement,
however when combined in the right balance, they can create a flood of
responses for your product, offer, or your opportunity. |
An eye catching title is the door by which your potential customers
will "enter" your classified ad. It's the first thing people see
while scanning classified advertising sections. And if it's not
catchy, then it's also very possibly the last thing they'll see in your
ad. Titles are probably one of the easier parts of a classified ad
to assemble. Some of the best titles use the key words as discussed
in the following paragraph such as: Free Advertising, Guaranteed
Leads, Designed With You in Mind, Save Your Money, Proven Solution,
Secrets to Your Success etc. Of course they should be tailored to
your specific product or service, however even in their most generic
forms, titles which catch your customers eyes is the first priority,
especially since once you get them "into" your ad... they can
decide if it's something that fills a need of theirs. |
Positive key words are probably
some of the most important aspects within the body of your classified ads. Some of the more popular key words (our chosen top
10) are: free, secret, guaranteed, proven, powerful, save, solution,
money, value and bonus. You can check out the complete
listing if you have the time, and print it for later reference if you
like. Book mark this section before you forget so you can come back
later to reference it. |
Clearly defined benefits are important because the people reading your
classified ad
will within a few seconds determine if your product will change or improve
their lives in some way. If you're promoting new and free website
advertising programs for instance (how convenient), then you want to ensure you
point out the benefits the reader will receive. As mentioned above
you only have a few seconds to make your point, and if they make it past
your headline, you better have something that will open their eyes, get
them thinking, and which will make them "need" what you have to
offer. |
Personalized focus is important because you must remember that your
classified ad is designed for your potential customer and not for yourself. Far
too often I see classifieds that were designed for the ad writer, and which
contain many references to the owner, the reputation of the company, or
other self-serving data. Who cares that the owner has been in
business for 25 years, and does it matter that the company is a member of
the BBB? Nope, not in a classified ad. That type of
information is great for a follow-up sales letter, or a circular, news
release etc. but not in a classified ad. A personalized ad contains
many references to the reader... and the big word here is simply "you"
and your. Check out these two
examples for a detailed comparison of a bad classified ad, and a good
(personalized) one. |
Call for action ensures that your reader is "told" what
to do next. It doesn't mean that your reader isn't smart enough to
call that number, visit that address, send in that fax, or use the email
address in the classified. It's simply a way to tap into the automatic human
response mechanism, and prevent the thoughts they might have of calling
later, or checking it out again another time. Most of the time this
never happens, life is too busy, and there's just too many other things to
focus on. So what exactly do you put in your ad? Exactly what
you want them to do - simple. Some of the call for actions you may
have seen in classified ads before include: Call now for the best
rates / Email me today! / Fax this back now for your free bonus / Don't
miss it, write today!. You get the picture. |